Larger-than-life actress and model Vicki Hodge is no stranger to the tabloid press and has been making headlines since the mid-sixties. John d Green photographed her for Birds of Britain in a bathtub in his Kensington studio on 21 July 1966 when she was just nineteen years old.
The Daily Express said in 1967: “She was on holiday in Italy and broke, when she went to the organisers of a fashion show in Florence and asked if there were any opportunities to model. There were. In a fortnight she earned £500. Back in London she walked into a Bond Street model agency and asked if they could sign her on. They could. Vicki Hodge now earns £ 6,000 a year modeling.”
She appeared in 1970’s Every Home Should Have One and other films. Between 1968 and 1981 she was the girlfriend of Fulham gangster and sometime actor John Bindon. She was with him in Mustique when Princess Margaret had an alleged encounter with the prodigiously-endowed bad boy. “He always told me about his affairs, but he refused to go into details. In those days in Mustique, everyone thought nothing of making love on the beach.” she said. She is also a former girlfriend of Prince Andrew – a kiss-and-tell account of their affair appeared in the News of the World.