• The Libertines in red jackets, London

    Roger Sargent explains: So, the band’s take on my request for uniformity, taken literally. There was a little hoo-ha about even shooting the band wearing these jackets because of perceived negative connotations from other bands. Menswear—of Britpop vintage—had worn something similar at some point, but I insisted we shoot them regardless. They just looked so good. It was the first time I remember shooting something and believing it to be iconic immediately. Again, few people agreed so the photos were “binned” for a year or so. 
    A signed limited edition photograph available in a choice of size options. Click on the size options below to see available sizes and prices.  Please allow 2-3 weeks between order and delivery for an unframed photograph.  If you would like a quote for framing please just ask. Framing adds 2-3 weeks.
  • The Libertines walking in Aberdeen

    Roger recalls: This is an alternative frame from the iconic shot of the boys walking in Aberdeen. I included it because it’s another example, admittedly through the retrospective spectacles, of Peter being (literally) out of step with the others. In these situations, the ideal is to get that feeling of unity, a gang. Very often Peter would drift off.
    A signed limited edition photograph available in a choice of size options. Click on the size options below to see available sizes and prices.  Please allow 2-3 weeks between order and delivery for an unframed photograph.  If you would like a quote for framing please just ask. Framing adds 2-3 weeks.
  • Reformed, London

    Roger Sargent recalls: I’d never been particularly nervous or intimidated around a shoot with The Libertines before, but some time had passed since I’d seen Peter. I’d been shooting Carls band Dirty Pretty Things a lot and only seen Peter on a handful of occasions in six years. There was a ‘them’ or at least ‘him’ and ‘us’ feeling. At the time I was more concerned about my own feelings – Peter had become a kind of infamous tabloid figure and we read about him more than spent time with him. I could feel his nervousness and it made me feel more nervous. I feel stupid having thought this at the time, but it crossed my mind that the things we’d read might come true – he might smash things up or start a fight. Ludicrous how shitty tabloid spin can skew things.
    A signed limited edition photograph available in a choice of size options. Click on the size options below to see available sizes and prices.  Please allow 2-3 weeks between order and delivery for an unframed photograph.  If you would like a quote for framing please just ask. Framing adds 2-3 weeks.
  • Bagel Bakery, Brick Lane, London

    Roger Sargent reflects: This was part of the first session we did. The photographs were ‘binned’ for many years as the band were certainly embryonic in terms of their look. The band that launched dozens of fashion campaigns they were not. In retrospect though these pictures (and there are many) now have a certain timeless quality.
    A signed limited edition photograph available in a choice of size options. Click on the size options below to see available sizes and prices.  Please allow 2-3 weeks between order and delivery for an unframed photograph.  If you would like a quote for framing please just ask. Framing adds 2-3 weeks.
  • Carl Barat, NYC

    Roger Sargent remembers: I paid for myself to go to New York to cover the east coast leg of their short tour. It was the first and I think last time I ever did that with any band —which is a measure of how important I thought it was to document.
    A signed limited edition photograph available in a choice of size options. Click on the size options below to see available sizes and prices.  Please allow 2-3 weeks between order and delivery for an unframed photograph.  If you would like a quote for framing please just ask. Framing adds 2-3 weeks.
  • Carl Barat wearing Joe Strummer’s jacket, Rough Trade Party, London

    Roger Sargent explains: Jeanette Lee was given that jacket by Joe Strummer. She gave it to Carl.
    A signed limited edition photograph available in a choice of size options. Click on the size options below to see available sizes and prices.  Please allow 2-3 weeks between order and delivery for an unframed photograph.  If you would like a quote for framing please just ask. Framing adds 2-3 weeks.
  • Peter with mirrored guitar, Albion Rooms, London

    Roger Sargent explains: I always felt a little odd taking pictures of people ‘partaking’. It’s never something I’d do surreptitiously but even when asked by the protagonist it’s uncomfortable. I think mostly it comes from the (in my mind) implied betrayal of trust—that weeks later one would run to the tabloids—not that I ever have. I’ve included this only because I think it’s a great photo. A little bit naughty but also cautionary. 
    A signed limited edition photograph available in a choice of size options. Click on the size options below to see available sizes and prices.  Please allow 2-3 weeks between order and delivery for an unframed photograph.  If you would like a quote for framing please just ask. Framing adds 2-3 weeks.
  • On a sofa, Albion Rooms, London

    Roger Sargent explains: This was a little set up, but the more posed frames look a little awkward. I like to leave people to see what happens though sometimes, unprompted.
    A signed limited edition photograph available in a choice of size options. Click on the size options below to see available sizes and prices.  Please allow 2-3 weeks between order and delivery for an unframed photograph.  If you would like a quote for framing please just ask. Framing adds 2-3 weeks.
  • Peter and Carl in the toilet at CBGBs

    Roger Sargent explains: I loved CBGB’s. It’s criminal that it was allowed to close—it’s more significant than The White House in my humble opinion. This is around the load in time, mid-afternoon, I’d been here before, the band had not, so I was winding them up about the great shows and bands who’d played before them. If I recall correctly the boys are reading Village Voice and checking out the preview for their show. Peter’s comedy cigarette is priceless. 
    A signed limited edition photograph available in a choice of size options. Click on the size options below to see available sizes and prices.  Please allow 2-3 weeks between order and delivery for an unframed photograph.  If you would like a quote for framing please just ask. Framing adds 2-3 weeks.
  • Peter and Carl, Cherry Jam Beatles, London

    Roger recalls: This was a pivotal show for me. I’d had enough of the music industry, I’d moved out of London and was considering my options. My good friend and Libertine’s publicist Tony ‘The Tiger’ Linkin convinced me to come and shoot the show for NME. The gig was crazy and chaotic which I loved. The pictures had a feel of Beatles in their Hamburg era.
    A signed limited edition photograph available in a choice of size options. Click on the size options below to see available sizes and prices.  Please allow 2-3 weeks between order and delivery for an unframed photograph.  If you would like a quote for framing please just ask. Framing adds 2-3 weeks.
  • East End Wasteland, London

    Roger remembers: I didn’t scan or consider this photo until years after taking it. It didn’t work as a press photo, so it was ignored. Even in the early 2000’s east London was a little edgy in places with burnt out stolen cars and derelict buildings. In many ways it hadn’t really changed from when I moved back to London in the early late 80’s. I love the feeling of foreboding in this pic. I went back here a few years later with Peter to shoot some solo pics. We got swarmed on by police vans who thought we were doing a drug deal. Oh, the irony.
    A signed limited edition photograph available in a choice of size options. Click on the size options below to see available sizes and prices.  Please allow 2-3 weeks between order and delivery for an unframed photograph.  If you would like a quote for framing please just ask. Framing adds 2-3 weeks.
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