The hirsute ex-mop top accords due respect to the elfin superstar atop some poor individual's car roof, and perhaps wishes he had a drum kit handy so he could join in.
Backstage at The Hollywood Palladium where Marc and the band would provide a convincing riposte to these who doubted his appeal to mainstream US audiences.
Although some have said that it ominously, if unwittingly foretold his fatal car accident, this image again shows how much fun Marc was having making the film.
What a treat - the entire 35 frame 'running man' contact sheet from Keith Morris's most famous session with Nick Drake. All killer, no filler, not a dud frame amongst them. The photographs are presented in their original running order, and looks staggering in a large format on 30x40 inch paper.
In his session for Five Leaves Left, Keith Morris contrasted the placid, if slightly world-weary, image of Nick Drake with the lives of Londoners going about their everyday business. Prices are shown for unframed items, excluding VAT